NEW FOLDER.EXE (NewFolder.EXE) This is an one messy little virus.
This virus/worm successfully fools you to click on the exe.
All this happened when I plugged my USB drive into a laptop which was infected with the Newfolder.exe worm. The first sign of the infection occurred when The laptop refused to safely remove my USB drive. at that moment I did not took it seriously.
Then after I came home and opened my USB drive it contained a new folder called "new folder1" I was curious about it, so I double clicked it, but no folder opened, suddenly I got the feeling that I clicked a exe file, my Comodo firewall detected series of connections trying to connect to the Internet. I blocked them all, but The harm is done.
Now you cannot even open the task manger, It disables access to the Task Manager built into Windows.
How to prevent(protect) newfolder.exe by infecting your computer.
Never click folders that you have not created.
You can easily identify the false folder(exe), because the folder image(icon) is bit blurry.
Turn off your Autoplay.
I recovered from the newfolder.exe by simply restoring my machine to a previous date.
You can find more details from HERE
thnx dude ur blog really helped me, now what is newfolder.exe virus all about!!